St. Jude School offers both a boys and girls interscholastic basketball league as well as an intramural basketball program.
In addition, students in grades 7 & 8 have the opportunity to participate in a multitude of sports and extra curricular programs at Holy Redeemer High School.
This allows our students to build new friendships with other Catholic elementary students while experiencing junior high athletics and activities. The following sports are available at Holy Redeemer: Football, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Field Hockey, Cheerleading, Ice Hockey, Track and Field, Softball, Volleyball and Baseball.

National Junior Honor Society
The St. Jude National Junior Honor Society promotes recognition for middle school students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Citizenship, and Character. Membership in National Junior Honor Society is a privilege. The Honor Society members exhibit excellence in academics and leadership, displays honorable and admirable character, and demonstrates a commitment to service and good citizenship- all of which indicate that the member is willing to use personal talents and skills for the improvement of both self and society.
Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science is a statewide organization of junior and senior high school students designed to stimulate and promote interest in science among its members through the development of research projects and investigations.
Students at St Jude work hard to create and present their own research using the scientific method. They chose topics of research from various science fields, including: behavioral science, botany, biology, physics and chemistry.
The students then present their research to a panel of judges at the regional competition. If they qualify, they have the opportunity to then compete at the state level at the yearly state competition held at Penn State Main Campus.

Performing Arts
Students at St. Jude’s have opportunities to experience the Arts. Our Annual Christmas Program includes grades Pre-k to Gr. 5.
Each Spring grades 2 & 3 put on a play for all to enjoy. Our students also compete in the Diocesan Forensics Competition. Our Sign Language Club shares their skill at various events.
​Highlight of the year is our Artist in Residence Program! Through the years our students have experienced various artist and mediums. Our PTG provides our students with a 20 day Artist in Residence. They still speak of their favorite Mr. Theo, who with the help of the students put on a Broadway Show.